Underbite Correction with Expander and Facemask - Non Surgical - Oasis Dental Milton Part 2
Parent review and experience for their 7 year old child who has an under bite (lower jaw is in front of the upper jaw).
Over 18 months the upper jaw was developed using an expander and facemask (functional jaw orthopedics) to provide proper balance and alignment between the upper jaw, lower jaw and the TMJ jaw joint. The bone development was completed non-surgical.
1. Functional Jaw Orthopedics (ALF Alternative/Active Lightwire Functionals, Expanders, facemask, bionator, twin block, homeoblock, biobloc etc),
2. Extraction and Non-Extraction Orthodontics (Braces), and
3. TMJ/TMD Orthodontics and TMJ Disorder Therapy
These services are provided at Oasis Dental, Milton, Ontario, Canada and surrounding cities of Georgetown, Mississauga, Burlington, Oakville, Campbellville, Guelph, Kitchener, Waterloo, Toronto, and the GTA.
For further information please contact our office:
Website: www.oasisdentalmilton.com
Phone: 905-876-2747
Email: info@oasisdentalmilton.com
9030 Derry Road West
Milton, ON
L9T 7H9